
I seem to have overwhelmed myself. Artificial Intelligence is so interesting that I have branched off into a myriad of side projects.

In no particular order, my to-do list includes:

  • Predict the next number in a sequence
  • Complete small Deep Learning (DL) projects using Keras, Tensorflow, and PyTorch
  • Play with electrons using Qiskit
  • Build a robot from the circuitboard level, and then program it
  • Generate a truly random number
  • Use JSON for something
  • Write a simple operating system (OS) and a neural network using Assembly Language (ASM)
  • Earn certifications in several other programming languages (Java, C++, C#, PHP, Javascript) simply to demonstrate familiarity

This is probably not even my complete list. I frequently take screen captures of interesting ideas, and I did not go through that folder for this blog post.

To feel a sense of accomplishment, I’m first going to pick the low-lying fruit. All programming languages start to look the same after a while, so earning introductory certifications should be quick. Truly random number generation will probably be next. Because the robot and the OS will likely take the longest, those will be last.

I’m also going to try to stop adding to this list until I shorten it a bit!

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